New Arabian Nights by Robert Louis Stevenson, first published in 1882, is a collection of short stories previously published in magazines between 1877 and 1880. The collection contains Stevenson's first published fiction, and a few of the stories...
The Napoleonic Wars are raging and a group of eminent British citizens have been taken captive in the Mediterranean by French troops. The Admiralty traces their location and sends the valiant Lord Ramage to affect their release. As Ramage and his...
It is 1811 and Napoleon's French Empire dominates Europe. Desperate to stem the encroaching French tide and avert war with the emerging power of the United States, the Royal Navy orders Captain Nathaniel Drinkwater to the Chesapeake Bay to heal...
From the bestselling author of THE GLADIATOR and FIRE AND SWORD comes the final volume in his epic quartet of novels about Wellington and Napoleon
It's 1810, and both Viscount Wellington and Emperor Napoleon have made great...
Marguerite, eldest daughter of the Count of Provence, had married a king of France - and now her sister Eleanor is determined to make just as grand a match. Good fortune and wily cunning bring her Henry of England. A good and generous husband but a...
A Romantic tale of pirates, smugglers, war and love, in the days of Queen Anne. The Hero is a recently freed indentured servant, who became Captain of a trading ship plying between the Caribbean and Rhode...
Against a backdrop of the clash of the Roman and Carthaginian empires, the battle for sovereignty takes place on the high seas
Atticus, captain of one of the ships of Rome's small, coastal fleet, is from a Greek fishing family. Septimus,...