Sharpe's Christmas, is a short story. It features Cornwell's fictional hero Richard Sharpe. It was originally written for British newspaper The Daily Mail which serialised it during the Christmas season of 1994. An extended version was published...
The last book, chronologically, in the Sharpe series is set four years after the events of Sharpe's Waterloo. Richard Sharpe has retired to live on the farm in Normandy with his common-law wife Lucille Castineau. Patrick Harper has a bar in...
This is Bernard Cornwell's first novel, written as a means of providing him with an income while living with his American fiancée in her home country where he could not get a work visa.
Cornwell’s plan "to write a...
A classic Sharpe adventure: Richard Sharpe and the Defence of Portugal, Christmas 1812 Newly promoted, Major Richard Sharpe leads his small force into the biting cold of the winter mountains. His task is to rescue a group of well-born women held...
It is the late summer of 1810 and the French mount their third and most threatening invasion of Portugal. Captain Richard Sharpe, with his company of redcoats and riflemen, meets the invaders on the gaunt ridge of Bussaco where, despite a...
Sharpe is sent on a secret mission behind French lines to locate gold that is badly needed to ensure the British can continue the fight against the French into the new year. At this time they hold a minor foothold in Portugal and are facing a...
Sharpe's Havoc is a historical novel by Bernard Cornwell set during the Napoleonic Wars.This book tells the story of Lieutenant Richard Sharpe, during a portion of his time with the 2nd Battalion of the 95th Rifles during the Peninsular...