Eugene Sue based his novel "The Wandering Jew" on a medieval folktale. The legend tells of a man named Ahaseurus who was cursed to walk the Earth until the Second Coming of Christ, as punishment for mocking Jesus as he was led to the...
1 Jan 1800 - 30 Nov 1805
Pauline Leclerc: the loveliest, most licentious woman in Paris – and sister to Napoleon himself.
Roger Brook is back in France – playing a deadly game as Prime Minister Pitt's most daring secret agent.
William Bentley, of the press ship BITER faces murder, corruption and poor dental health while doing the Royal Navy's dirty work at Deptford. "...The reader is up to his knees in the viscous ooze of Deptford Creek where mouldering timber hulks and...
Fresh from their victory in Germania, Marcus Aquila and the Tungrians have been sent to Dacia, on the north-eastern edge of the Roman Empire, with the mission to safeguard a major source of imperial power.
The mines of Alburnus Major contain...
The Young Carthaginian is a departure from the first two Henty books on the Lost Classics list. Set in ancient times during the Punic wars between Carthage and Rome, it follows the adventures of young Malchus, an officer in Hannibal's army. Henty...