In 1809, working undercover for the Admiralty's Secret Department, Captain Nathaniel Drinkwater goes ashore and mingles with the dregs of London's dockland. Disguised as a Merchant Marine shipmaster of low character, he encounters a known French...
It is 42 AD, and Quintus Licinius Cato has just arrived in Germany as a new recruit to the Second Legion, the toughest in the Roman army. If adjusting to the rigours of military life isn’t difficult enough for the bookish young man, he also has to... Review
The seventh book in Jack Whyte's Camulod Chronicles,Utheris a parallel novel toThe Eagle's Brood. It fills in some gaps about another major character in the Arthurian legend, Uther Pendragon, who is Merlyn's cousin and King...
1450s France. A young Englishman, Tom Swan, is kneeling in the dirt, waiting to be killed by the French who've taken him captive.He's not a professional soldier. He's really a merchant and a scholar looking for remnants of Ancient Greece...
A romance of the times of St. Bernard and of Queen Eleanor, both of whom figure in the story, the hero's fortune being interwoven with those of the gay young queen. The book brings out the enormous contrasts of the Middle Ages, the splendor of...