Harry Turtledove’s acclaimed alternate history series began with a single question: What if the South had won the Civil War? Now, seventy years have passed since the first War Between the States. The North American continent is locked in a battle...
Franklin Roosevelt is the assistant secretary of defense. Thomas Dewey is running for president with a blunt-speaking Missourian named Harry Truman at his side. Britain holds onto its desperate alliance with the USA’s worst enemy, while a...
"Owls to Athens demonstrates Turteltaub's excellent research skills ... an entertaining and intelligent story"-SF Site "Scholar and bestselling author [Turteltaub], encapsulates his vision of the ancient world through the eyes of these two engaging...
Nicole Gunther-Perrin is a modern young professional lawyer, proud of her skills but weary of the daily grind, of childcare, sexist coworkers, and her deadbeat ex-husband. Then after one exceptionally awful day, she awakens to find herself in a...