Misleading title (why not Jews, Greeks and Romans? After all it was the Romans who annihilated the Jewish community of Cyrene), awkward construction, a book partially useful, occasionally irritating-these will probably not be unfair characterizations of the book under review. The author apparently aims to compose a history of the Jews in ancient Cyrenaica (which embraced the cities of Cyrene, Apollonia, Barca, Ptolemais, Teucheira, Euesperitae- Berenice), but obviously he felt impelled to proceed ab ovo. And so he treats of the beginnings of Greek colonization and of Cyrene under the rule of the Battiads, subjects discussed in great detail in F. Chamoux's book Cyrene sous la monarchie des Battiades (Paris, 1953), and only very loosely connected with the history of the Jewish community as the Jewish settlement begins only under the Ptolemies. On the other hand when dealing with the famous tumultus Iudaicus, the Jewish uprising in Cyrenaica in (ca) 115-117 C.E., the author is carried away by the drama of history to devote an inordinate number of pages to the insurrection in Judaea and Mesopotamia. In der Begrenzung zeigi sich der Meister, and this would have been a much better book if the author had stuck rigorously to his subject.
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