Discover the artist within and create beautiful stained glass
Beautiful stained glass isn't reserved solely for church windows-it can be used to create intricate patterns in home windows, decorate cabinet doors, patio doors, ceilings, skylights,...
Шкловский Л. А. У туристского костра. / Художник Д. М. Мошкович. - Кишинев: Тимпул, 1990. - 192 с.: ил. ISBN 5-7790-0050-6 Эта книга - живой с юмором...
Modular origami is the latest craze in paper folding!
These three-dimensional models are created from a number of small pieces of paper that are easily folded and then cleverly fit together to form a spectacular shape. They range from paper...
The fast and easy way to score your best on the Firefighter Exam
In addition to physical tests of strength, agility, and coordination, firefighters must also pass a difficult written test that requires serious preparation to fare well, and many...