Aaaiiieee! [short stories]

Aaaiiieee! [short stories]
Автор: Thomas Jeffrey
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
Добавил: Admin 17 Сен 12
Проверил: Admin 17 Сен 12
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AAAIIIEEE!!! presents to the horror enthusiast twenty of the best dark fantasy tales of author Jeffrey Thomas (PUNKTOWN), culled from their original appearances in the independent press.From subtle stories of ghosts and encroaching madness to extreme tales of erotic and visceral terror, this collections contents span the breadth of the horror spectrum. In these pages one will encounter: a mysterious channel on a hospital rooms television a concentration camp where the dead may seek retribution a music stars unearthly and distasteful approach to fame a woman in love with a dangerous fallen angel the ghost of an insane parent resurrected by another worldly force. Whether ones appetite runs from the traditional to the experimental, AAAIIIEEE!!! has a dark confection for every trick or treat bag.

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