Ad Nauseam: 13 Tales of Extreme Horror

Ad Nauseam: 13 Tales of Extreme Horror
Автор: LaSart C. W.
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
Издатель: Dark Moon Books
ISBN: 978-0-9850250-0-5
Город: Largo, FL
Добавил: Admin 15 Апр 13
Проверил: Admin 15 Апр 13
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Exotic, Erotic, Gruesome and Gory! What if your Muse really was a twisted bitch, and she lived in your spare bedroom? And how far would you go to improve your station in life? In this premiere collection by C.W. LaSart, you will find 13 gruesome tales of the macabre, from a simpleton who forms an unnatural obsession with his own backyard to a lonely woman whose suitor is not heaven-sent. These stories, ranging from the supernatural to the darkness that lives within the human heart, are sure to send a chill down your spine and a flush to your face. Certain to disturb and delight, Ad Nauseam is a walk through the twisted imagination of one of horror’s rising stars.

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