“A Forest, or a Tree” is a nightmarish horror story from author Tegan Moore, a Tor.com Original.
Four friends, May, Piper, Ailey, and Elizabeth, go on a camping trip. Things slowly begin to go wrong.
It was just the four of them, four...
Brinkley Springs is a quiet little town. Some say the town is dying. They don't know how right they are...
Five mysterious figures are about to pay a visit to Brinkley Springs. They have existed for centuries, emerging from the...
Brinkley Springs is a quiet little town. Some say the town is dying. They don’t know how right they are…
Five mysterious figures are about to pay a visit to Brinkley Springs. They have existed for centuries, emerging from the shadows only to...
Joy Randall's Top 5 Tips for Vampire Hunters1. Location, location, location. Remember, if you wouldn't be there, neither would a bloodsucker. They won't be found dead (ha!) in places like discos, ten-minute lube shops, or Switzerland....
Irreverent merriment. Diabolical debauchery. Gory good times. Editor Shane McKenzie has gutted the holiday spirit and left it to bleed out on the pages of this gruesome, extreme horror tribute to special occasions. Includes stories by the following...
A dark force plagues the town of Brettville, Alabama, clawing at its victims and sending them into states of delusion, fear and paranoia. It looks for guilt and grief, trauma that smells and tastes so very sweet. While feeding on these painful...
Amidst the many calamities of the late 14th century something sinister is at work among the sisters of la Tres Saunte Annunciacion, a force the women and the men around them seem powerless to fight. What is overwhelming both the holy and the...
In Lisa Tuttle’s stories, the everyday domestic world of her female protagonists is invaded by the bizarre, the uncanny, the horrific. In ‘Bug House’, a woman who goes to visit her aunt is shocked to find she is dying – but even more...