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Born of Hatred

Born of Hatred

Автор: McHugh Steve
Серия: Hellequin Chronicles #2
Язык: английский
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There was a time when Nathan Garrett was feared. When the mention of his name was enough to stop his enemies in their tracks. That time has long since passed. When Nathan’s friend asks for help investigating a pattern of horrific crimes, he...


Язык: немецкий
Год: 1987
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Aus einem Labor für Gentechnologie entläuft ein Hund. Der Eigenbrötler Travis Cornell nimmt den streunenden Golden Retriever bei sich auf. Aber schon bald müssen die beiden feststellen, dass sich nicht nur rivalisierende...
bre del male [Conjure Wife - it]

bre del male [Conjure Wife - it]

Язык: итальянский
Год: 1972
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Questo romanzo di uno dei «padri» della fantascienza, Fritz Leiber, assume oggi una modernità sconcertante, perché ha saputo esprimere nel modo più netto i dubbi e le perplessità dell’uomo contemporaneo di fronte a delle...
Breath of Allah

Breath of Allah

Язык: английский
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An excerpt from the first chapter: ...The illusion persisting, I determined that it was due to the unnatural strain imposed upon my vision, and although I recognized that time was precious I found myself compelled temporarily to desist, since...