America’s growing political and cultural divisions have finally split the United States apart. Now, as the former blue states begin to collapse under the dead weight of their politically correct tyranny, a lethal operative haunted by his violent...
Here is a tale of a boy rabbit that goes against his mother’s wishes, and goes to kill Panzer tanks. It’s a story of love, and hate, and death and destruction. Peter Rabbit Tank Killer. You should read it now.
The greatest fake book ever.
Piccadilly Jim is a novel by P. G. Wodehouse, first published in the United States on February 24, 1917 by Dodd, Mead and Company, New York, and in the United Kingdom in May 1918 by Herbert Jenkins, London. The story had previously appeared in the...
Knygą „Pirkiniai išsimokėtinai“ sudaro trylika tarpusavy susijusių apsakymų, kuriuose santūriu humoru ir švelnia ironija vaizduojamas lietuvių emigrantų šeimos gyvenimas Kanadoje. Pagrindinė pasakojimo intriga – karštai...
Jeden z nejznámějších Hrabalových románů, byl také zfilmován. Hlavní postavou je manželka správce pivovaru — Maryša. Příběh se skládá z jednotlivých...
Approchez Homo sapiens! Ce livre vous fera hurler de rire ! Faites la connaissance d'une famille préhistorique: Edouard, le père, génial inventeur qui va changer la face du monde en ramenant le feu; Vania, l'oncle réac, ennemi du...