Comedy: a fractured family’s dirty laundry is aired, soiled, stained, muddied, fumigated and declared a health hazard when their patriarch succumbs to barbecued neck bones laced with...
Countless writers and artists have spoken for a generation, but no one has done it quite like Chuck Klosterman. With an exhaustive knowledge of popular culture and an almost effortless ability to spin brilliant prose out of unlikely subject...
When Bertie insists upon playing the banjolele, to the distress of his neighbors and his impeccable valet Jeeves, Jeeves is forced to take drastic action. He leaves B.'s service. But Bertie is entirely dedicated to his art, and decides to rent one...
In Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves, Bertie Wooster returns to Totleigh Towers, the site of an earlier ordeal that nearly landed him in prison and, worse still, in bonds of marriage to Madeline Bassett, the syrupy daughter of the house who believes the stars...
At 13 years old, Adrian Mole has more than his fair share of problems—spots, ill-health, parents threatening to divorce, rejection of his poetry and much more—all recorded in his...
Take two half-wit and whiskey-soaked moonshiners, add a mean old lady, gangsters, a fiery comet and flesh-eating Zombies and you have the ingredients for a besotted and morbidly skewed version of the events leading up to the Great Chicago Fire....
EVERYONE IS GUILTY OF SOMETHING... In comtemporary Russia the old ghosts have been laid to rest, but the stench of corruption is just as strong as ever. Now a top-level Moscow investigator, dispatched to St. Petersburg, is about to discover just...
Being undead can be disorienting. Your arms and other appendages tend to rot and fall off. It’s difficult to communicate with a vocabulary limited to moans and gurgles. And that smell! (Yes, it’s you.) But most of all, you must constantly find...