A collection of short stories: The Politeness of Princes [1905]; Shields' and the Cricket Cup [1905]; An International Affair [1905]; The Guardian [1908]; A Corner in Lines [1905] and...
Originally published on October 5th of 1905, it was a return to the school stories which he departed briefly for his humorous children’s history of William Tell. Wodehouse creates a public school this time, in the form of Eckleton, with most of...
Mike Jackson, cricketer and scion of a cricketing clan, finds his dreams of studying and playing at Cambridge upset by news of his father's financial troubles, and must instead take a job with the "New Asiatic Bank". On arrival there, Mike finds...
Short stories: Death_At_The_Excelsior (Death at the Excelsior [1914]; Misunderstood [1910]; The Best Sauce [1911]; Jeeves and the Chump Cyril [1918]; Jeeves in the Springtime [1921]; Concealed Art...