Life was a lot easier for Jane when she was just an unknown, undead bookstore owner in a sleepy hamlet in upstate New York. But now the world embraces her as Jane Fairfax, author of the bestselling novel Constance—and she’s having a killer time...
‘Neighbours… hah. People’d live for ages side by side, nodding at one another amicably on their way to work, and then some trivial thing would happen and someone would be having a garden fork removed from their ear.’
Throughout history,...
Jurijs Tomins
Karuselis virs pilsētas
Fantastisks stāsts par kādu zēnu, kas tiek atsūtīts no kosmosa. Kosmiskais viesis cenšas iekļauties Zemes dzīvē. Tas neizbēgami rada visvisādus pārpratumus cilvēku vidū, komiskas...
Arno Jundze
Kristofers un ēnu ordenis
Tev tikai šķiet, ka neviens šai pasaulē nezina, ko tu dari un kā tu jūties, ka esi vientuļš un skolā tevi apceļ. Patiesība tomēr ir skaudra un vienkārša. Viņi tevi slepeni vēro kopš...