Commissar Cain is called to duty once more, saving a governor’s daughter from aplanet over-run by rebels. The uprising hides something far more sinister however – genestealer hybrids! The search for the source of the alien threat leads Cain to a...
The story of Billy, whose Grandmother left him the voodoo handbag in her will, after he had sold her soul to science. The tales it told Billy would change his life for ever - and the lives of other people...
Skeeve the Magnificent, magician to kings and King of Magicians, Businessman and Problem-Solver Extraordinaire, has come out of retirement. And he’s set up shop in the Bazaar, right on the home turf of his old company, M.Y.T.H. Inc. Too bad his...
Who will claim the throne now that Lord Incarnadine, King of the Realms Perilous, is dead? Under a mysterious spell cast by a mischief-maker, all of Castle Perilous's 144,000 creatures of curiosity clamor for the crown. Outside of the castle's...
The rousing Mission Earth saga continues in paperback as the aliens' plan for taking over Earth takes even more complex twists and turns. Don't miss the daring exploits of Jettero Heller, the Countess and their evil spymaster as they ricochet...
God's other son, Colin, who was edited out of the Bible when Jesus got artistic control, is a bit pissed off. Well wouldn't you be, with your brother stealing the lime-light like that? But now God's been murdered, and there's no way Colin's gonna...
God's other son, Colin, who was edited out of the Bible when Jesus got artistic control, is a bit pissed off. Well wouldn't you be, with your brother stealing the lime-light like that? But now God's been murdered, and there's no way Colin's gonna...
Kingdoms wobble, crowns topple and knives flash on the magical Discworld as the statutory three witches meddle in royal politics. But Granny Weatherwax (of Equal Rites) and her fellow coven members find it's all a lot more difficult than...