The NERDS series combines the excitement of international espionage with the awkwardness of elementary school as it follows the adventures of a group of unpopular fifth graders who run a spy network from inside their school. With the help of...
The grand finale to the New York Times bestselling series, Attack of the BULLIES stars Ruby Peet, aka Agent Pufferfish, the team captain with super nanobyte-enhanced allergies. Pufferfish leads the team in their latest case: the kidnapping of...
Meet Mama: a true Southern woman with impeccable manners, sherbet-hued pantsuits, and four prior husbands, able to serve sweet tea and sidestep alligator attacks with equal aplomb. Mama's antics - especially her penchant for finding trouble - drive...
Before Mama ties the sacred knot of matrimony for the 5th time, she coerces daughter Mace to saddle up for some country-gal bonding on the Florida Cracker Trail. The six-day trek gets off to a good start. At least until the wealthy rancher hosting...
It may be Mama's fifth try at tying the sacred knot, but that's no reason to tastefully scale back. She's planning the Wedding of the Century in little Himmarshee, Fla. - complete with a "Gone With the Wind" theme, her daughters in Scarlett O'Hara...
Book restoration expert Brooklyn Wainwright returns home to San Francisco to teach a bookbinding class. Unfortunately, the program director Layla Fontaine is a horrendous host who pitches fits and lords over her subordinates. But when Layla is found...
Expert muffin baker Merry Wynter is finally ready to turn her passion into a career. But when a dead body is found on her property, she’s more worried about cooking up an alibi…Merry is making a fresh start in small-town Autumn Vale, New York,...
Engel had worked his way up to being Nick Rovito’s right-hand man, near the top of the Syndicate. And this was a delicate job — retrieving a very important jacket, loaded with heroin, from a fresh grave. But Engel found only an empty...
Fiona Marlowe, interior designer to the rich and powerful, finds her wealthy old client, Albert Lodge, dead on the floor of his library in the posh McLean suburb of Washington, D.C. As the investigation unfolds, Fiona discovers she has detective...
Claudie Lowell is sucked into the sinister world of antiquities thieves in the course of trying to clear her eccentric aunt from charges of masterminding an international smuggling ring on the island of Cyprus. Zach Lamont, posing as an undercover...