This book is about the transformation of Europe into "Eurabia", a cultural and political appendage of the Arab/Muslim world. Eurabia is fundamentally anti-Christian, anti-Western, anti-American, and antisemitic. The institution responsible for this...
The scope and the theme of the book is to analyze the modern political trends and strategies that are leading to major changes in Western civilization, America included, since the OIC strategy targets America also. Learning from the European...
Latvijas Padomju Sociālistiskas Republikas Likums
УГОЛОВНЫЙ кодекс Латвийской Советской Социалистической -Республики
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Latvijas valsts ir skaidri definējusi apņēmību iespējami īsākā laikā integrēties Eiropas Savienībā, uz visiem laikiem kļūstot par neatņemamu un pilntiesīgu Eiropas...