Carly is off to slay the Dark Lord that trapped her in the game.
All the warrior-mage Carly wants to do is kill orcs, goblins, and kobolds, trash dungeons, and celebrate her victories with her Guild mates. It is going great. She is a rising star in her warrior's guild, kicking butt and taking names. But in that PvP game, a player's fortunes can turn on a dime.
Carly is leading the charge into the dark tower, scoring experience points, leveling up, and scoring loot. She's about to take down Artimus, when the evil wizard strikes her down instead. Only he didn't just kill her, sending her avatar back to respawn in town. That wasn't cruel enough for the wizard. He killed her character permanently, and trapped her in a humiliatingly lowly character. And then he took away her ability to log out of the game.
Now Carly's in a race against time to find and defeat Artimus. Her only goal is to force the wizard to reverse is curse before the authorities disconnect her body from the game, trapping her inside forever. But along the way, she will encountered men and creatures who have other ideas about what she should do, and who she should do.
This LitRPG book is adult themed, both bloody and sexy. Prudes and the squeamish should avoid lest your hold on sanity be shaken.
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