When an ancient pact is broken, powerful witches who once used their magic to help humanity become the twisted playthings of demons, and the mortal men who once protected the sorceresses become witch hunters, cursed with the...
In the days when powerful witches used their magic to shield humanity from demons, their allies and guardians were a group of men gifted with preternatural abilities of their own-the witch guardians. But when a...
Some marriages are made in heaven . . . Some are not.
What happens when "the happiest day of your life" turns into a nightmare? Forget the drunken best man or the bridesmaid dresses from the '80s . . . none of these wedding day disasters can...
Мэри Джо Патни / Mary Jo Putney
Чаровница из вторника / The Tuesday Enchantress. A Guardian Story (anth. The Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance), 2009
из "Гигантского сборника...
Poseidon’s warriors have learned that the battle to protect humanity produces unexpected enemies—and alliances. And one of the most powerful of all Atlantean warriors will soon find both…in one daring beauty.
A warrior’s mission, a...