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Маньяки, Триллер


Язык: английский
Год: 2004
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There are no words... Holly Summers is deaf, but she "hears" thanks to her immense talent for lip-reading. A child welfare officer, Holly moonlights for the Portland, Oregon, police, using her unique gift to aid in criminal investigations...


Язык: английский
Год: 2009
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Meet Quentin P. He is a problem for his professor father and his loving mother, though of course they do not believe the charge (sexual molestation of a minor) that got him in that bit of trouble. He is a challenge for his...
Кривава осінь в місті Лева
Классические детективы, Маньяки

Кривава осінь в місті Лева

Язык: украинский
Год: 2008
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Довгий чорний плащ, лезо сокири, «беретта», труп у багажнику та привабливі жертви, яким бракує очей і сердець. Жанр джіалло (що в...
Маньяки, Триллер


Язык: английский
Год: 1991
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Rupert Conway's getaway cruise with seven others abruptly ends when their yacht explodes and all are stranded on an deserted island. Rupert and the other castaways soon discover that in the dense jungle a murderous maniac--with a clever mind and a...
Маньяки, Триллер


Серия: Chaingang #4
Язык: английский
Год: 1994
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Bunkowski, a powerful, twisted madman with an unquenchable taste for killing, makes his bloody way home to Kansas City in search of the mother whose abuse had transformed him into the monster that he...