Renowned FBI profiler Karen Vail returns inVelocity, national bestselling author Alan Jacobson’s most explosive thriller to date. Detective Robby Hernandez, Vail’s boyfriend, has vanished into the dense air of a Napa Valley evening. There are...
In Hotter Blood, sex and horror are coupled to an ecstatic effect. This is the second in the provocative anthology series that defined a genre and spanned a generation. Grant Morrison’s Bram Stoker- nominated “The Braille Encyclopedia”...
Becca and Randy are Harley riding detectives who join forces to find the ruthless killer the press have dubbed The Florist. What does the flower he places in his victim's hands have to do with the sick, twisted way he ends their lives? Will they...
An unidentified female body is brought into the Los Angeles County morgue. The cause of death is still unclear. Her body bares no marks; except for the fact that her most intimate parts have been stitched shut. But what shocks the pathologist the...