A Romantic tale of pirates, smugglers, war and love, in the days of Queen Anne. The Hero is a recently freed indentured servant, who became Captain of a trading ship plying between the Caribbean and Rhode...
Fresh from war in the Americas, young navy veteran Alan Lewrie finds London pure pleasure. Then, at Plymouth he boards the trading ship Telesto, to find out why merchantmen are disappearing in the East Indies. Between the pungent shores of...
The British Empire has sleepwalked, unprepared into war with the Triple Alliance, the Spanish colonies of the Caribbean and Central America.
But this is not to be a war like those which have gone before it; wars decided by crushing British sea...
The tradition of Patrick O'Brian's epics is carried on gloriously in this first novel of a new historical naval adventure series, set during the time of the War of Independence. Merchant sea captain Isaac Biddlecomb flees the New England coast after...