The story of Larry Mathews and his dog Sambo, forecastle mates on the tramp steamer "Creole trader", New Orleans to the South seas.
What was that strange chest buried in the coal scuttle? What's being smuggled? Or...
Sea stories of American writers.
"Mr. French has assembled from late and early American days and from a various crew: he gives us the worried Pilgrims praying the gale to end, and he gives us the hard driving Gloucester fishermen praying it to...
1806 — Vizeadmiral Sir Richard Bolitho hat das Kap der Guten Hoffnung von den Holländern zurückerobert. Aber in London ist man von dieser Leistung nicht sonderlich beeindruckt, dort ist er wegen seiner Affäre mit Lady Catherine Sommervell...
A Romantic tale of pirates, smugglers, war and love, in the days of Queen Anne. The Hero is a recently freed indentured servant, who became Captain of a trading ship plying between the Caribbean and Rhode...