In the aftermath of a typhoon, Captain Nathaniel Drinkwater brings His Britannic Majesty's frigate Patrician into the shelter of the Pearl River on the China coast. Seeking the means to refit, he is unwittingly entangled in bizarre events...
JETWIND is magnificent. The revolutionary computerized sailing ship, swifter than the fastest clipper, will rule the seas-if she can break the speed records from South America to the Cape...
But her maiden voyage through the icy...
May 1810, seventeen years deep into the Napoleonic Wars. Captain Horatio Hornblower is newly in command of his first ship of the line, the seventy-four-gun HMS Sutherland, which he deems “the ugliest and least desirable two-decker in the Navy...
May 1810, seventeen years deep into the Napoleonic Wars. Captain Horatio Hornblower is newly in command of his first ship of the line, the seventy-four-gun HMS Sutherland, which he deems “the ugliest and least desirable two-decker in the Navy...
The South West of Africa has the most dangerous and desolate coastal region in the world. It is also, potentially, the richest. It is known, with reason, as The Skeleton Coast.
Fate gave one key to this forbidden place to Lieutenant-Commander...
Adam Penfeather, Buccaneer: his early exploits, being a curious and intimate relation of his tribulations, joys and triumphs taken from notes of his Journal and pages from his Ship's Log, and here put into complete...
1801 — in der Biskaya. England steht kurz vor einem trügerischen Frieden mit Napoleon und wähnt sich in Sicherheit. Nur ein erfahrener alter Seelord rechnet mit einem Überraschungsangriff und befiehlt Konteradmiral Bolithos...
An epic tale, circa early 1800's, of Homer Whitman, Maine seaman, a captain of an American merchantman captured by Barbary pirates, sold into captivity,...