A Romantic tale of pirates, smugglers, war and love, in the days of Queen Anne. The Hero is a recently freed indentured servant, who became Captain of a trading ship plying between the Caribbean and Rhode...
Few cities in this world have known the glory of the West Indies' fabled Port Royal, and fewer still have faded so deep into oblivion. In the seventeenth century the glittering, wicked Jamaican port was the "jewel of the Caribbean," the first city...
"Po wydrukowaniu książki Znaczy kapitan zacząłem otrzymywać od Czytelników wiele listów. Na wszystkie otrzymane listy nie mogłem odpowiedzieć wyczerpująco, tak jak należałoby to zrobić, wobec tego w miarę moich możliwości...
In 1588 the Spanish Armada had been defeated in the English Channel and the whole of Elizabethan England was alert for the revenge that surely had to follow.
Men like John Killigrew, commanding a key position on the Cornish coast, were vital to...