In 1809, working undercover for the Admiralty's Secret Department, Captain Nathaniel Drinkwater goes ashore and mingles with the dregs of London's dockland. Disguised as a Merchant Marine shipmaster of low character, he encounters a known French...
1954. Vixen 03 is down. The plane, bound for the Pacific carrying thirty-six Doomsday bombs — canisters armed with quick-death germs of unbelievable potency ― vanishes. Vixen has in fact crashed into an ice-covered lake in Colorado.
1954. Vixen 03 is down. The plane, bound for the Pacific carrying thirty-six Doomsday bombs — canisters armed with quick-death germs of unbelievable potency ― vanishes. Vixen has in fact crashed into an ice-covered lake in Colorado.
1988. Dirk...
Informationen zum Buch
»Wir sitzen hier beisammen, mitten in der Nacht. Schauen auf das Kind, und ich kann kaum ausatmen, so laut schlägt mein Herz. Ich bin fast toll vor Angst, dass du in der Ruhe zu lange auf meine Hände schaust und die...
Academy Award–winning actor Gene Hackman spins a cinematic tale of pirates, shipwrecks, and sea adventure. Co-written with Daniel Lenihan, one of America’s leading authorities on shipwrecks and diving, Wake of the Perdido Star is a moving story...
Hailed as a hero for the new millennium, Austin is the leader of NUMA Special Assignments Team--and the threat before him now is definitely special. A confrontation between a radical environmentalist group and a Danish cruiser has forced Austin...
Nick Sandman's spine was shattered by a bullet in the Falklands. He has no money and no prospects, only a dream of sailing far away from his troubles on his boat, Sycorax. But Sycorax is as crippled as he is, and to make her seaworthy again, Nick...
"Wyspa Itongo" to ostatnia wydana za życia Grabińskiego powieść, której pierwsza edycja ukazała się w 1936 roku. Jej bohater, Polak o zdolnościach parapsychicznych, podczas podróży morskiej rozbija się na tajemniczej wyspie na...