Eighth in Dudley Pope's celebrated series of novels, Ramage's Mutiny tells of Captain Ramage's reckless attempt to free the Jocasta, a British ship, from the Spanish Main stronghold of Santa Cruz. A vicious mutiny had left the Jocasta open to...
In this, the tenth volume in C.S. Forester's series of classic naval adventure tales, Horatio Hornblower must rescue a man he knows to be a tyrant from the mutiny of his crew—a dubious chore, but one that leads Hornblower, with the aid of his old...
One man's quest to find the ultimate treasure and give it back to the world….
Egypt, 1938
A leading archaeologist vanishes while...
As they listened to the death throes of their sister ship Mako sinking in the Pacific where the waters were six miles deep, the crew of USS Eelfish suddenly came of age. They were a new breed: a brand-new fleet submarine crewed by draftees and...
In Ramage’s Prize, his fifth recorded adventure, Lieutenant Nicholas Ramage sets out from Jamaica to track down the mysterious disappearance of the Post vessels – a vital communications link between Whitehall and the West Indies in the war...
As 1794 draws to a close Richard Bolitho, commanding the old seventy-four-gun ship of the line Hyperion, leaves Plymouth to join a squadron blockading the rising power of Revolutionary France. After six months of repairs his ship is ready to...
Lord Ramage has made his name through numerous brave, daring and extremely perilous sea battles. He has been charged with impossible tasks and has succeeded time after time gaining honour and glory for king and country. He has undertaken his...