Tom pierwszy Czarnych Okrętów, przedstawia przygody dzielnego Trojańczyka Białowłosego do chwili, kiedy to pokonawszy w walce krokodyla ze świątej sadzawki i umknąwszy z rąk wszechwładnych kapłanów boga Sebeka zostaje porwany przez...
Dark Echo is an unlucky boat. Despite this knowledge, Martin Stannard falls under her spell and prepares to sail her across the Atlantic with his wealthy father. But his lover Suzanne begins exploring the yacht's past. What she finds is...
Richard and Robin Mariner are thrust into danger as they enter the dark heart of West Africa…
Having helped the President of a powerful West African nation take control of the country, Richard and Robin Mariner are now among a select group of...
The author of the bestselling NUMA and Dirk Pitt series returns with an all-new novel of adventure and intrigue featuring his unbeatable hero of the high seas-Juan Cabrillo. Cabrillo and his motley crew aboard the clandestine spy ship Oregon have...
Der junge Fuhrmann Jakob Tillmann hat den todkranken Bruder Anselm ins Zisterzienserkloster Himmerod gebracht. Nicht in seinen kühnsten Träumen hatte er sich ausgemalt, in welche Gefahr er sich in dieser stürmischen Februarnacht damit...
David Cunningham turned the wreck of an old landing craft into a vessel which would make any skipper proud. Then came the letter that turned his trading plans upside-down. "Find out what has happened to Monique, please, " and the faded image with...
A ghost ship drifts across the northern Pacific…
A Soviet luxury liner burns like a funeral pyre…
And the U.S. President's yacht is heading for disaster…
Somewhere off the coast of Alaska, a sunken cargo poses a...
A ghost ship drifts across the northern Pacific…
A Soviet luxury liner burns like a funeral pyre…
And the U.S. President's yacht is heading for disaster…
Somewhere off the coast of Alaska, a sunken cargo poses a threat of...
1802 — Boston und Karibik. Der Friede von Amiens hat die beiden Erbfeinde England und Frankreich keineswegs versöhnt. Vizeadmiral Richard Bolitho, unterwegs in diplomatischer Mission, muß erleben, daß er mit seinem leichten...