In the dependably entertaining if less than top-notch fifth Oregon Files thriller from bestseller Cussler and Du Brul (after Skeleton Crew), Capt. Juan Cabrillo, who heads the Corporation, a covert military company for hire, and the multifaceted...
Few cities in this world have known the glory of the West Indies' fabled Port Royal, and fewer still have faded so deep into oblivion. In the seventeenth century the glittering, wicked Jamaican port was the "jewel of the Caribbean," the first city...
“Dirk Pitt is oceanography’s answer to Indiana Jones,” praises the Associated Press. “Exotic locations, ruthless villains and many narrow escapes—Cussler’s fans come for swashbuckling [and] he delivers.”
And now the Cusslers bring...
“Dirk Pitt is oceanography’s answer to Indiana Jones,” praises the Associated Press. “Exotic locations, ruthless villains and many narrow escapes—Cussler’s fans come for swashbuckling [and] he delivers.”
And now the Cusslers bring us...
They were the deadliest ships of World War II. From 1940–1943, German commerce raiders disguised as peaceful cargo ships and flying the flags of neutral and allied nations, prowled the oceans searching for unsuspecting Allied shipping. These...
The President's secret task force develops the ultimate defensive weapon. At its core: byzanium, a radioactive element so rare sufficient quantities have never been found. But a frozen American corpse on a desolate Soviet mountainside, a bizarre...
1796 - sea battles raging and an attack from the French has left third-lieutenant Ramage the sole officer in charge of his frigate. With orders from Nelson to be obeyed and a daring mission to be completed, young Nicholas Ramage must rise to the...
1796 - sea battles raging and an attack from the French has left third-lieutenant Ramage the sole officer in charge of his frigate. With orders from Nelson to be obeyed and a daring mission to be completed, young Nicholas Ramage must rise to the...
This is Dudley Pope's 18th novel to feature Nicholas Ramage and it is set in the West Indies where Captain Lord Nicholas Ramage, the youngest captain of a ship of the line since Nelson, brings his old crew to a new command against the French in...