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The Captain from Connecticut
Исторические приключения, Морские приключения

The Captain from Connecticut

Язык: английский
Год: 1941
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No one but a madman would put to sea in such conditions. A blizzard cut visibility to yards. Long Island Sound was galloping whitecaps. But in this second year of the war of 1812, conditions like these spelled opportunity to Captain Josiah Peabody. ...
Hostile Shores
Морские приключения, Путешествия и география

Hostile Shores

Автор: Lambdin Dewey
Серия: alan lewrie #19
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Статус: Закончена
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In 1805, with news of Admiral Nelson's death fresh on his mind, Captain Lewrie's HMS Reliant joins up in the voyage that will culminate in the Battle of Cape Town, in which the British wrested control of South Africa from the Dutch. In the wake...