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The shadow of the eagle
Исторические приключения, Морские приключения

The shadow of the eagle

Серия: nathaniel drinkwater #13
Язык: английский
полная версия

It is 1814 and Napoleon has abdicated as Emperor of the French. King Louis XVIII is brought out of his English exile and escorted back to France by an Allied squadron commanded by the Duke of Clarence. The 'Great War' is at an end and Europe...
Troubled Waters
Морские приключения

Troubled Waters

Серия: Lewrie #14
Язык: английский
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It is the spring of 1800. Captain Alan Lewrie, fresh from victory in the South Atlantic, is back in England and fitting out his new frigate, the HMS Savage. But true to fashion, Lewrie can’t stay ashore too long with out trouble arising. A...
A King`s Trade
Морские приключения

A King`s Trade

Серия: Lewrie #13
Язык: английский
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After Yellow Fever decimated the crew of Alan Lewrie’s HMS Proteus, it had seemed like a knacky idea to abscond with a dozen slaves from a Jamaican plantation to help man his frigate. But two years later, Lewrie is now suspected of the deed....
Havoc`s Sword
Морские приключения

Havoc`s Sword

Серия: Lewrie #11
Язык: английский
Год: 2004
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It's 1798, and Lewrie and his crew of the Proteus frigate have their work cut out for them. First, he has rashly vowed to uphold a friend's honour in a duel to the death. Second, he faces the horridly unwelcome arrival of HM Government's Foreign...