In this ninth installment in the Hornblower series, the incomparable Horatio Hornblower, recently knighted and settled in as squire of the village of Smallbridge, has been designated commodore of his own squadron of ships, led by the two-decker...
Richard and Robin Mariner are in Long Beach, California, to oversee the arrival of their container ship, Sulu Queen, before joining their friend Nic Greenbaum aboard his fifty-million-dollar motor yacht as he races his daughter Liberty in an...
In June 1793 Captain Richard Bolitho arrives at Gibraltar to take command of the Hyperion, a seventy-four-gun ship of the line. Although not completely recovered from a serious fever contracted in the Great South Sea, Bolitho is eager to get back...
Hailed as a hero for the new millennium, Austin is the leader of NUMA Special Assignments Team--and the threat before him now is definitely special. A confrontation between a radical environmentalist group and a Danish cruiser has forced Austin...
The season six finale, Tangent Fire, was a bridge novel that is now taking up to the final season of the series, the war in 2025. Only this is the future that arose from Kirov’s many interventions in the past, a future the main characters must...
Richard and Robin Mariner are thrust into danger as they enter the dark heart of West Africa…
Having helped the President of a powerful West African nation take control of the country, Richard and Robin Mariner are now among a select group of...
Here is a refreshingly different sort of yachting book — not the memoirs of some super-tough global adventurer or seawise master mariner, but an account of how one of the most demanding of all sea voyages, the Observer Singlehanded Transatlantic...
In the spring of 1797 Richard Bolitho brings the 100-gun Euryalus home to Falmouth to be flagship of the hastily formed squadron which has been chosen to make the first British re-entry to the Mediterranean for nearly a year. As flag captain,...
The outstanding new novel from the #1 New York Times — bestselling grand master of adventure.
Husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo are in Mexico, when they come upon a remarkable discovery — the skeleton of a man clutching an...