Fresh from war in the Americas, young navy veteran Alan Lewrie finds London pure pleasure. Then, at Plymouth he boards the trading ship Telesto, to find out why merchantmen are disappearing in the East Indies. Between the pungent shores of...
1782 First officer on brig o'war . . . Fresh from duty on the frigate Desperate in her fight with the French Capricieuse off St. Kitts, Midshipman Alan Lewrie passes his examination board for Lieutenancy and finds himself commissioned first...
Life aboard the WW II destroyer AJAX whose routine is flawed by an officer-enlisted man gulf, autocratic actions, fatal accidents, and men going "Asiatic," even psychotic.
THE sick bay of the destroyer Ajax on her shakedown cruise, the war...
From time immemorial, the Strait of Death has claimed many lives of brave sailors who took risks going through it on their ships in order to shorten the way. One old sailor was the only one who once managed to survive after a shipwreck in this...