ISBN 978–966–289–035–8
Classical Homogeneous Structures:
Mathematical Theory and Applications:
V.Z. Aladjev, D.S. Grinn, V.A. Vaganov.–
Ukraine: Kherson: Oldi–Plus, 2014, 520 p.
In the monograph we present some results of the work we have done
in the theory of classical Homogeneous structures (HS; HS–models) and
their appendices during 1969–2013, in truth with considerable pauses.
Meantime, during the present book along with the given term its wellknown
Anglo–lingual equivalent «Cellular automata – CA» is used too.
These results at present form a rather essential constituent of the HS–
problematics. In particular, we have researched such problems as the
nonconstructability problem in HS, the problem of decomposition of
global transition functions in HS, extremal constructive opportunities,
parallel formal grammars and languages defined by HS, complexity of
finite configurations and global transition functions in HS, simulation
problem in classical HS, the computer simulation of HS, some applied
aspects of the HS, etc. At present, the HS–problematics is a rather well
developed independent sphere of the mathematical cybernetics which
has considerable field of numerous appendices. At that, with the equal
right the HS–problematics can be considered as a component of such
fields as the discrete parallel dynamic systems, discrete mathematics,
cybernetics, complex systems and some others. In our viewpoint, the
book will present an indubitable interest for students, post–graduates
and persons working for doctor's degree of the appropriate faculties of
universities and colleges, first of all, of naturally scientific level along
with teachers in such disciplines as discrete mathematics, cybernetics,
automata theory, computer science, theoretical biology, mathematical
and physical modelling, computer technique, and a lot of others.
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