A coming-of-age tale for young adults set in the trenches of the Vietnam War in the late 1960s, this is the story of Perry, a Harlem teenager who volunteers for the service when his dream of attending college falls through. Sent to the front...
Deep in the Korean mountains, U.S. sniper Caje Cole and his squad are on patrol when they witness a dogfight that ends with an American pilot being shot down over enemy territory. Cole leads the rescue effort that puts him in conflict with a deadly...
Fata Morgana—the epic novel of love and duty at war across the reach of time.
At the height of the air war in Europe, Captain Joe Farley and the baseball-loving, wisecracking crew of the B-17 Flying Fortress Fata Morgana are in the middle of a...
Jerry Mitchell returns in Fatal Thunder, a gripping thriller from New York Times bestselling author Larry Bond.
India and Pakistan are stalemated in a war that India launched to "remove the threat of terrorism, once and for all." But India's...
This is the most valuable summary in print of the RAF's challenge to Germany's invasion plans for the British Isles. Beginning by describing how «history is swamped by patriotic myths about the summer of 1940», Deighton invalidates any theories...
She was a monster, sleek and gleaming, designed to strike without warning like the dreaded shark. She was the USS Mako, as fearless and bold as any submarine that ever prowled the blue Pacific. Her mission: seek...
From the author of the post-apocalyptic classic Alas, Babylon, comes this eerie, cold war thriller.
A young teenage couple having a rendezvous one night on a beach in Florida suddenly sees a submarine emerge from the ocean. Armed soldiers...
Steele, a KGI team leader, is an enigma not even his team mates understand. His emotions are tightly locked down and nothing can break that icy exterior. Nothing except Maren Scofield, a doctor on a mission, a woman who has gotten under Steele’s...
“The book’s deceptive directness and simplicity, and its muted undercurrents of horror, will make many think of… Ernest Hemingway…. A reminder of the power a short, perfect work of fiction can wield.”
—The Wall Street Journal on A...