In the spirit of Lilac Girls, the heartbreaking history of Korea is brought to life in this deeply moving and redemptive debut that follows two sisters separated by World War...
Winds of Destruction is a unique account of one man’s service in the Rhodesian Air Force, spanning a period of twenty-three years from 1957 to 1980—through the politically turbulent years of Federation; the Unilateral Declaration of Independence...
During World War II, a legendary German sniper is sent to assassinate General Eisenhower when Ike makes a top-secret trip to Washington as planning begins for the D-Day...
Togo Tashimoto, captain of the Japanese submarine I-357 and a ruthless disciplinarian steeped in the samurai tradition; and John Barratt, captain of HMS Restless, haunted by his wife's death while a prisoner of the Japanese in Changi Jail; were two...
Powieść rozgrywa się podczas wojny w Afganistanie, a jej bohaterem jest rosyjski żołnierz. Choć brzmi to realistycznie, wielbiciele fantasy mogą spać spokojnie. — W Żmii pojawi się bardzo dużo magii — zapewnia Sapkowski.