Burial in the Clouds is the first English language translation of Hiroyuki Agawa’s classic novel of World War II, Kumo No Bohyo.
A powerful novel, it takes the form of the war-time diary of a young Japanese college student inducted into the...
Brutal battles in the icy wastes of the Eastern Front are lit at night by burning magnesium flares. This gripping novel of war, and the timeless ethos of the warrior, follows Arno Greif, a Swedish volunteer in the German Army. Come with him, from...
From the award-winning Serbian author David Albahari comes a devastating and Kafkaesque war fable about an army unit sent to guard a military checkpoint with no idea where they are or who the enemy might be.
Atop a hill, deep in the forest, an...
Germany, 1985.
The Reich Council has fallen and the Reich is sundered in two, but the uneasy peace will not last long. To the east, Karl Holliston – now styling himself the Fuhrer of the Greater German Reich – is planning the conquest of...
The Special Combat force is hardened to horror but during a truce they find a KGB battalion has exceeded anything they’ve seen. In a fury, despite the truce, despite threats from their own commanders,...
Günter Grass has been wrestling with Germany's past for decades now. In this new novel Grass [examines a subject that has long been taboo — the suffering of Germans during World War II.
It is the story of the sinking of the Wilhelm...
A new world power, The Caliphate, has been born It is spreading across the Middle East absorbing the other countries in the area. The rest of the would sees The Caliphate as a homogenous power that has a long-term plan for regional domination but...