In the spirit of Lilac Girls, the heartbreaking history of Korea is brought to life in this deeply moving and redemptive debut that follows two sisters separated by World War...
The fight for victory in the Pacific continues, this time at Leyte in the Philippines. Deacon Cole and the rest of Patrol Easy are sent as an advance unit to help crack the formidable Japanese defenses before the American invasion. To make the...
As WWI comes to a close a German general, an escaped prisoner of war, and the crew of an airship converge to effect THE ROMANOV RESCUE. Can...
In December 1941, the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor plunges the United States into war. Fresh from the hardscrabble mountains of Appalachia, Deacon Cole joins the fight against Imperial Japan. In his first test against the enemy, he will use all...
An American Army combat unit in war-torn Vietnam, a prison camp behind enemy lines, a strategically important railroad bridge on the Sang Chu River — these are the ingredients of this gripping suspense novel. Here, set in bold relief against a...
A whole generation has passed since The Young Lions and The Naked and the Dead, since the appearance of a novel worthy of a place in the literary roll call of the Second World War. Now, in Soldiers of ’44, Sergeant Buell (“Bull”) Docker,...
Just when it looks like Allied troops are finally winning the massive Battle of the Bulge in the snowy Ardennes forest, German forces launch a devastating counter-attack called Operation Nordwind. U.S. sniper Caje Cole and his squad are among those...
Kipling was reported missing, believed killed, in his first battle on the Western Front. From this time he was constantly in pain from a gastric ulcer. He published some (censored) articles of war journalism in 1915, collected as The New Army in...
From two former military officers and award-winning authors, a chillingly authentic geopolitical thriller that imagines a naval clash between the US and China in the South China Sea in 2034—and the path from there to a nightmarish global...
Brutal battles in the icy wastes of the Eastern Front are lit at night by burning magnesium flares. This gripping novel of war, and the timeless ethos of the warrior, follows Arno Greif, a Swedish volunteer in the German Army. Come with him, from...