Twelve years after The Big One, SAC is an organization in crisis. Developing defenses have placed its bombers at risk. SAC is gambling on a new concept of bomber to restore its power, the B-58 Hustler. Outside America, Nazi Germany has been...
Это пятая книга серии.
Изо всех сил [Mighty Endeavor] (1940)
Казанские «Тандерболты» [Kazan Thunderbolts] (1943)
Воины зимы [Winter Warriors] (1945)
Великий [Big One] (1947)...
In the winter of 1941–1942, Leningrad is under siege, and Karen Hamilton, a seventeen-year-old American musician, finds herself trapped and struggling to survive. Throughout the city, people are dying of starvation and frostbite, and Karen knows...
Set against the dramatic backdrop of World War II, Nazi Germany, Swallow is the story of a young woman destined to fly.
Gabriele Richter, the daughter of an ambitious German general, connives her way into the Luftwaffe, becoming Germany’s only...
Eva understands Hitler is married to Germany and must herself stand back unacknowledged as he enclasps the world in a passionate, python-like thrall. Until the last days in the final chapter of the Third Reich (and the first chapter of the novel)...
“Has it ever occurred to you, Johann; the fact that we’re fighting on the wrong side?”
Austria, 1938
On the verge of the most devastating war of all times, four young men found themselves sharing a room in a flying school dormitory. A...
Antanas is a young Lithuanian conscripted to fight in the Soviet War in Afghanistan where he falls in love with a young Afghani nurse. She opens his eyes to the politics of the war, while making bearable the brutal reality of their situation◦–...
The classic pacifist novel by a major Polish writer, who was nominated for the Nobel Prize
‘Only the villages are asleep, the eternal reservoir of all kinds of soldiery, the inexhaustible source of physical strength’
The villagers of...
At the outbreak of WW1, three young men from Derby answer Kitchener’s call for volunteers, they wave goodbye to their loved ones to set off on what they regard as an adventure. After months of training in Britain, they are sent to the front. The...
03:15, 22nd June 1941◦— Barbarossa is unleashed and Kampfgruppe von Schroif are right there at the cutting edge of the battle for Russia. Thrown into action against the fortress of Brest-Litovsk, von Schroif and his crew drive a new weapon into...