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Brewster Buffalo
Военное дело, военная техника и вооружение, История

Brewster Buffalo

Язык: русский
Год: 2001
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Немногие самолеты вызывали столько споров на свой счет, как F2A «Баффало». История этого самолета полна противоречий и парадоксов....
Bristol «Beafort»
Военное дело, военная техника и вооружение, История

Bristol «Beafort»

Язык: русский
Год: 2005
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Средний бомбардировщик Бристоль «Бленхейм» (Тип 142М) впервые поднялся в воздух 25 июпя 1936 года. Этот полет ознаменовал не только рождение...
British Battle Tanks: British-made Tanks of World War II
Военная история, Военное дело, военная техника и вооружение

British Battle Tanks: British-made Tanks of World War II

Автор: Fletcher David
Серия: General Military
Год: 2017
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Plagued by unreliable vehicles and poorly thought-out doctrine, the early years of World War II were years of struggle for Britain's tank corps. Relying on tanks built in the late 1930s, and those designed and built with limited resources in the...
British Battle Tanks: US-made Tanks of World War II
Военная история, Военное дело, военная техника и вооружение

British Battle Tanks: US-made Tanks of World War II

Серия: General Military
Год: 2018
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The idea of British soldiers using American tanks was not viewed with a great deal of enthusiasm by the British Army. They perceived American tanks as being crudely made, mechanically unsophisticated and impossible to fight in. However, once British...
British Light Tanks 1927-45: Marks I-VI
Военная история, Военное дело, военная техника и вооружение

British Light Tanks 1927-45: Marks I-VI

Автор: Fletcher David
Серия: New Vanguard
Год: 2014
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This is the definitive study of British light tanks of the Second World War. The author draws upon a vast and comprehensive body of archival information and research to explore their technical characteristics and combat performance. The title...
British Mark IV Tank
Военная история, Военное дело, военная техника и вооружение

British Mark IV Tank

Автор: Fletcher David
Серия: New Vanguard #133
Язык: английский
Год: 2007
Статус: Закончена
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Amongst the first ever mass-produced tanks in history, the British Mk IV has been classified as one of the most successful heavy tanks to have fought in World War I. Mechanically similar to its predecessors, the Mark IV embodied various...
Combat Machines
Военная история, Военное дело, военная техника и вооружение

Combat Machines

Серия: History of War
Год: 2015
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Since the outbreak of the First World War more than 100 years ago, the technology powering the world’s military forces has evolved at an unprecedented pace. The introduction of the first tanks during the Great War marked the start of an arms race...
Concrete Hell: Urban Warfare from Stalingrad to Iraq
Военная история, Военное дело, военная техника и вооружение

Concrete Hell: Urban Warfare from Stalingrad to Iraq

Автор: DiMarco Louis A.
Серия: General Military
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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Throughout history cities have been at the center of warfare, from sieges to street-fighting, from peace-keeping to coups de mains. Sun Tzu admonished his readers of The Art of War that the lowest realization of warfare was to attack a fortified...