Here is the triumphant sequel to Robert Mason’s bestselling account of his service as a chopper pilot in Vietnam. Chickenawk: Back in the World is a moving, no-holds-barred post-Vietnam memoir that reveals the war’s shattering legacy in the...
Using Cicero's letters to his good friend Atticus, among other sources, Everitt recreates the fascinating world of political intrigue, sexual decadence and civil unrest of Republican Rome. Against this backdrop, he offers a lively chronicle of...
Portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in the Martin Scorsese movie The Aviator, Howard Hughes is legendary as a playboy and pilot—but he is notorious for what he became: the ultimate mystery man. Citizen Hughes is the New York Times bestselling...
Cleopatras palace shimmered with onyx and gold, but was richer still in political and sexual intrigue. Though her life spanned fewer then forty years, it reshaped the contours of the ancient world. She was married twice, each time to a brother....
Peek behind the cockpit door and see who is flying the plane. Where do they find such men? Irreverent realism, full of loves, laughs and tremors; their layovers and prayovers. Much more than a pilot with a few good stories.
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“One of the biggest cover-up cases I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen it all.”
—Margaret McLean, author, former Boston prosecutor and Boston College Law...