The MikroTik platform is one of the most cost-effective routing and switching network products available today. It maintains a strong presence in the WISP market, and continues making in-roads into organizations around the world. While consulting with organizations who need help implementing new networks and security, I’m always surprised by who I f i nd running MikroTik.
Consulting on MikroTik has introduced me to a WISP in the Midwestern US, a county government on the west coast of the United States, and a business off i ce in Australia. There are many others as well, all recognizing the cost-effectiveness and growth possibilities around MikroTik’s approach to networking hardware and software.
My f i rst introduction to MikroTik was in 2011 by a friend I met in college. He was a high-level network engineer who was listening to me talk about the issues I was experiencing with a network at the time. He asked me if I’d heard of a brand called ”MikroTik”, and at the time I hadn’t.
Up until that point my network experience consisted entirely of products from large incumbent vendors. After I realized how inexpensive MikroTik routers were I bought one to try in the lab and was immediately hooked. For the last six years I’ve been helping organizations grow their networks quickly and affordably with MikroTik and I haven’t looked back since.
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