A novelization version of the upcoming film, "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" is set in 1939 New York City. The story follows Lois Lane — like reporter Polly Perkins, who's always looking for the latest scoop, as she covers the...
A beautiful young heiress, Perenna Holland, falls on hard times. She enlists Roy Slingsby, estate agent and bon vivant, to sell the family manse.
Once into the assignment, he uncovers an album of stamps with a singular story to...
Jon Bartlett's path is clear before him: finish his last year of schooling, then off on the family's ships to learn the intricacies of interstellar trade. But a message of tragedy at home comes for him, and his expected life is flung far out of...
Nadani Jagi is low on money and desperately needs replacement parts for her ship, Astromancer. That's when she finds a job she has to invest some of her own money into before she can get paid and accepts it—against the advice of her Personal...