In the middle of the Pacific Ocean in 1962, at the height of the cold war, the U.S. military experimented with electromagnetic pulses created by detonating high atmosphere nuclear bombs. The project was code named Starfish Prime. The primary...
Optimus Yanspinner inherits from his godfather an unpublished manuscript by an unknown writer and sets off to track down the mysterious author, who disappeared into Bookholm - the so-called City of Dreaming Books. Yarnspinner falls under the spell...
Sean Wyatt is back in the thrilling follow up to The Secret of the Stones.
What he thought would be a relaxing weekend in Las Vegas turns into a high octane thrill ride through the American Desert Southwest and into the mountains of...
To Luca Matthews the dangers of the high mountain peaks are the air upon which he thrives. In the ruthless pursuit of his goals he would sacrifice anything — even another climber's life. His friends and family know and fear it. So when he sights...
Experience the 25 Tales of Tarzan as written by famed author Edgar Rice Burroughs and published between 1912 and 1966. This collection chronicles the wild and savage tales of Tarzan, a boy isolated from civility and raised by apes. Aprart from the...
Jake Dillon, in his inaugural adventure thriller, is brought into the headquarters of Ferran & Cardini under the pretense of investigating a Cabinet Minister's sunken cruiser and its compromising cargo. At the bottom of the English Channel,...
In Andy McDermott's brilliant new novel, Nina Wilde and Eddie Chase are on the hunt for the lost pyramid of Osiris... The incredible secret of the Great Sphinx of Egypt is about to be revealed. An archaeological dig is preparing to open the Hall...