THUNDER GOD sees former Special Forces specialist Joe Hawke take even greater steps to secure the future of humanity when an international human-trafficker embarks on an insane pursuit of the greatest power in the world, a power so mighty it will...
In the closing days of World War II, a German submarine slips quietly into the South Pacific before sinking mysteriously. The strange nature of its secret cargo—an ancient and powerful relic—is lost beneath the waves along with its Nazi...
A tall, gaunt man stood there. A man with a phenomenally high forehead crowned with a black cap; a man whose strange piercing eyes could be felt even when they were not seen. He was unmistakably Chinese…he was Dr. Fu Manchu. And standing there he...
Perfect for fans of Clive Cussler and Dan Brown, Pyramid is a thrilling new adventure starring fearless marine archaeologist Jack Howard, in a heart-stopping quest to uncover an ancient Egyptian secret — and make the most amazing discovery of our...
1945, and the Nazis’ grand plans are in disarray. Defeat is imminent, so in a last attempt to protect their legacy, the high command hides their store of uranium deep underground, ready for them to fight another day.
Hawke returns in his tenth adventure to find himself hurled into a dramatic race against time as the ECHO team fight to rescue Lexi from her brutal kidnappers, retrieve the mysterious Sword of Fire and locate the King’s Tomb.
The divided team...
A civilization stolen from the history books.
A billionaire’s obsession to unlock its secrets.
A brotherhood determined to hide the truth.
And time is running out.
Only a handful of people know what destroyed the ancient...
The fabled Elephant Graveyard has been discovered. It contains enough ivory to make Ethiopia a wealthy nation. But the cave contains more than physical riches-it also holds the means to control the world. Fifteen scientists enter the cave. Only one...