In the middle of the Pacific Ocean in 1962, at the height of the cold war, the U.S. military experimented with electromagnetic pulses created by detonating high atmosphere nuclear bombs. The project was code named Starfish Prime. The primary...
The greatest secret in the history of mankind is a secret worth killing for...
During the Middle Ages a rumor was born about a mysterious and sacred Ancient Egyptian text. Known as the Emerald Tablet, it was said to contain the secret...
ICE RIFT – SIBERIA is the third book in the Ice Rift series and need to be read first to gain maximum enjoyment from this novel.
Having stowed aboard the Russian vehicle transporting the alien weaponry salvaged from the doomed Antarctic...
One man's quest to find the ultimate treasure and give it back to the world….
Egypt, 1938
A leading archaeologist vanishes while...
In a minute, everything changes.
Fifteen year old Jenna Flood’s discovery of a bomb — ticking down from sixty seconds — is the first in a series of explosive revelations that destroy her understanding of the world and her place in it.
A westerner raised in Japan, he survived the destruction of Hiroshima to emerge as the world’s most artful lover and its most accomplished assassin. His greatest desire is to attain a state of effortless perfection… shibumi. But he is about to...
On March 11, 2011, the Japanese fishing trawler, Hoshi Maru accidentally hauled up something deadly into its live-fish hold. The crew, having discovered their mistake, raced toward the harbor in the hope that they might survive. They never made it.
When sheriff Tom Garcia finds the body of a man savaged in a home for the elderly, he calls Olivia Newton, a journalist caught in a bender after losing her lover. Working with an expedition team put together by billionaire Frank Williams, and...