Fast-paced and intelligent, blending historical fact with persuasive fiction, The Sacred Bones is an addictively compelling thriller that calls into question many of modern religion's most deeply-held beliefs. Jerusalem is a ticking time bomb...
On a clear night in 1942 a hand grenade exploded in a Cairo slum, killing one man instantly. That man is Stern, an obscure gunrunner and morphine addict whose death should be of no significance during the darkest days of the century. In the...
On the last day of December 1921, three men sat down to a game of poker in the back room of an antiquities shop in Jerusalem: * Cairo Martyr an enigmatic black giant from Africa who controlled the supply of aphrodisiac mummy dust in the Middle...
Tales of a blind man, written down by an imbecile. Such is the genesis of the Bible in this raucous, unsettling account of recent and not-so-recent history with its richly entwined odysseys:
Plantagenet Strongbow, twenty-ninth Duke of Dorset,...
A rich and compelling novel that spans the turbulent decades from the closing of World War II to the Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon, involving Muslims, Jews, and Christians and involving an undercover secret...
By the same author as "The Seventh Sanctuary", this thriller reveals an international plot by an extreme right-wing Christian group, whose origins go back to the Crucifixion of Christ, to re-establish the ancient order. Assassinating the pope is...
From Publishers Weekly
A British detective faces down the combined forces of the Mafia and the Vatican in Becker's jaw-dropping thriller. Tunbridge Wells Det. Sgt. Chris Bronson is helping his best friend, Mark Hampton, deal with the sudden...
Husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo are intrigued when an archaeologist friend requests their help excavating a top secret historical site. What they find will set them on a hunt for a prize greater than they could ever imagine. The clues...
Adrift in the lonely rice fields of Northern China, American agent Tony McKay found himself face to face with the most diabolical evil he had ever encountered. The "Cold Men," spiritless creatures that...