Based loosely on the tale of Puss in Boots, Reserved for the Cat takes place in 1910 in an alternate London. A young dancer, penniless and desperate, is sure she is going mad when a cat begins talking to her mind-to-mind. But her feline guide,...
A better spytrap: A.B. Cromwell was a mad scientist. Literally mad. When the U.S. Patent Office gave the better mousetrap he had invented a cool reception, he blew his stack and threw it in the lake. The trouble was, the U.S. government needed...
Абу Ма`шар [Джа`фар ибн Мухаммед ибн `Умар ал-Балхи, Абу Машар, Абу Массар, латинизир. Albumasar, Apomasar, Apomasor] (10 августа 787 г.н.э., Балх, Хорасан - 9...