The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet meets The 100 in this unforgettable debut by a brilliant new voice.
A century ago, scientists theorised that a habitable planet existed in a nearby solar system. Today, ten astronauts will leave a dying...
Krystia’s family is hiding Jews from the invading Nazis, but the risks are immense. How much will she risk for her friends? A gripping story based on true events.
During the Soviet occupation of Ukraine during World War II, some of...
WOOL introduced the world of the silo. SHIFT told the story of its creation. DUST will describe its downfall.
In a time when secrets and lies were the foundations of life, someone has discovered the truth. And they are going to tell.
After ninety-eight percent of the world falls to a cybernetic infection, Eve learns to survive in a world losing its humanity, and discovers what love really is.
Also published as The Bane: book one in The Eden...
El 27 de noviembre del año 2012, la embajada española en México tuvo que notificar a Georgina Mir, como único familiar vivo, que su padre, un famoso arqueólogo, había desaparecido, sin dejar ningún rastro,...
Best friends Jess and Lily visit Friendship Forest, where animals can talk and magic exists! The girls are visiting Friendship Forest for Ellie Featherbill’s birthday! When Grizelda’s wicked plan to poison the river puts the little duckling in...
Date: October 2020
Place: Ely, Minnesota
They didn’t know what to do.
Would you?
Let’s say you just found out you’d survived a massive chemical attack. How it happened and how many others lived through...
Best friends Jess and Lily visit Friendship Forest, where animals can talk and magic exists! Jess and Lily can’t wait to attend the Rushy River boat race in Friendship Forest! But when Grizelda sends her sand dragon to turn the Prickleback...